

Design Concept



我們把1F地板改為帝諾大理石,背牆使用梧桐風化木作立體拼貼搭配茶鏡,電視牆則使用綠建材的珪藻土作披附(有分解不良空氣及調節溫濕度功能) ,電視櫃檯面則使用了黑檀木大理石的復古面,在客廳與餐廳的過渡空間作了特別的規劃,在樓梯邊設置了由日本檜木實木及鐵件構成的隔柵,背後加了強化的茶色玻璃作襯底,緊連著的是由柚木鋼刷及黑檀木(鋼琴烤漆面)構成的精品櫃,特別為這個藝品量設而成的,背面(為梯間)則設置了隱藏鞋櫃以區分內外空間,緊連著電視櫃則是設計了一個發光造型牆由梧桐風化木及人造石材以及南洋檜木和鐵件(作雙面弧型的加工)組成,可充分表現出大型木雕的價值,在窗側的位置設計了黑檀木大理石為檯面的臥塌並結合了泡茶區(屋主有泡茶的習慣) ,整體家具的挑選皆作了顏色及材質的搭配。

我們沿著樓梯側同樣作了以日本檜木,鐵件及強化茶色玻璃構成的隔柵造型牆面,餐廳的天化板則是我們特別挑選訂製的柚木拼花,牆面上則作了展示櫃及酒櫃還有一些收納櫃,另一邊則設置了吧台,吧台的正面用了薄片透光石材作表現,紋路凸顯出自然的感覺,吧檯的上方設計了拉折門,與廚房出口的推拉門並用,在炒菜的時候油煙味不至於溢散出來,但是也在廚房設置了冷氣出風口(考慮到炒菜煮飯人的辛苦) 。

我們把廚具改造為L型,讓水火可以分開使用,也方便跟餐廳區作結合使用,收納也變得多元好用,在地板的部分改為防滑的地磚(考量廚房使用安全性,有防止滑倒的效果) 。


在地板的部分使用日本檜木實木地板,表面使用Osmo環保塗料,除了健康之外,也不會阻礙檜木自然香氣的散發,另外表面為消光面,讓木紋清晰可件更為美觀,一進門就是更衣區,結合了浴室及睡眠區,衣櫃門片為無把手及回歸式五金設計,在進入睡眠區之前,依照屋主使用習慣,設置了茶水櫃及洗手槽,在睡眠區之前設計了由黑檀木鋼琴烤漆構成的門框,區分出區域的不同,在床頭的部分使用黑檀木作鋼琴烤漆外框,背板的部分則是自然色系的立體絨布,面對床的右邊設計了可拉式的隱藏化妝鏡,結合了化妝台及旁邊的櫃子,而在另一邊設計了展示櫃及窗邊臥塌(灰姑娘大理石檯面) ,旁邊則是閱讀區,設置了造型書架及書桌,緊連著的是電視牆面,運用了立體壁布作分割造型,檯面則是灰姑娘大理石。


在床的背牆設計上,延續著相同的風格,使用柚木鋼刷作床頭,黑檀木鋼琴烤漆作邊框,中間用皺摺紋的布料作背板,柔和的燈光由兩側散發出來,窗邊用淡色系的系統櫃作了臥塌及書桌、書櫃,電視牆則是運用了柚木搭配系統櫃,衣櫃也相同 (感覺較清爽) 。





The style of this case comes from the collections of the owner who is fond of carved wood, tea pot and ornaments full of art. In order to match these collections, the designer adopts oriental zen.

[Living room]

The floor is made of farentino marble, and the back wall has Indus weathered wood as 3D patterns to match tawny glass. TV background wall is covered by diatomite (which can decompose bad air and adjust humidity). The top face of TV cabinet is made of black sandalwood’s aged face. Besides, the designer also made special arrangement in transitional space between living room and dining room and set grille made of Japanese juniper log and steel aside stairs, echoing by tempered tinted glass.

[Dining room]

The ceiling in dining room is made of teakwood parquet chosen by designer especially. There’re show cabinet, wine cabinet and other storage cabinets. Bar counter shows its front side by thin light transparent stones. A sliding door is on the top of bar counter, which can be used together with the sliding door of kitchen, avoiding smoke when cooking, and also setting air ventilation outlet (considering the hard work of people who cook)

[Master bedroom]

Juniper log is used in the floor and covered by Osmo environment-friendly painting material, which is healthy and won’t stop the fragrance of juniper wood. Dressing area is at the entrance of gate. The door of cloth cabinet is handle-free and returned to hardware design. According to the habits of owners, tea cabinet and washing tank are established in the area before sleeping zone.

[Secondary bedroom]

Black sandalwood and piano baking varnish make the frame of background wall of bed and wrinkled cloth as plate. Soft light reflect from two sides. A light colored series of cabinets play the role of simple bed, study desk, bookshelf beside the window. TV background wall uses teakwood to match these cabinets, like wardrobe does (which brings freshness into the room)

