
Brick Yard 33 1/3 BY33 美軍俱樂部 | 美式XLoft

Design Concept

理念: Magnificent Pirouette of Historical Buildings
The Yangmingshan American Military Housing
Brick Yard 33 1/3
Preserving the classic tastes of historical period

And injecting novel spirits of the new era

As the scene blurs into a swirl and time gradually reverses back to the sweet old days, the song New York, New York by Frank Sinatra faded in to this vintage site of Yangmingshan, Taipei, where many US soldiers shared their memories of the 70’s Cold War Era. Far away from home, these warriors temporarily resided in this place; none of them knew if they could get back home again. This place was their only shelter, physically and mentally.

At the dance floor, a familiar song Imagine by John Lennon began.

The lyrics touched deep into the hearts:

  • Imagine there’s no country,
  • It isn’t hard to do.
  • Nothing to kill or die for,
  • and no religion, too.
  • Imagine all the people,
  • Living life in peace.

During the cruel war time, nothing soothes the wounded minds better than this song that longs for world peace, so that everyone could return home for their souls to be healed by the embrace of their lovely families.

In the bar, there is laughter throughout the place as if its Christmas coming. Some gathered around the pool table, others were playing pinball, foosball or darts. The jukebox was playing classic Blue Suede Shoes Color while people danced along with the music at the dance floor. On the other side of the corner, people clustered together around the stove wither reading quietly or chatting updated news from their beloved families far away; the turntable was playing Elvis Presley’s most beautiful love song And I Love You So. It was a place filled with warmth and love, a place for people who missed their distant families to meet and chat as a cure to their homesickness.

We fully respect the history of this site, thus we restore the overall structure and exterior carefully to meet its original appearance. We then inserted some rustic and industrial elements into the environment; we re-use many original materials at the site such as timber beams, brick wall and retro tiles to restore the elegance of historical architecture and to unfold the plainness and simplicity of the retro space. Themes such as phonographs are used in restaurants, bars, performing areas and music areas to create diversity to the space.

We hope that the place could hold together local communities, universities, and groups by offering spaces and stages for rehearsals and performances. We look forward to inspiring cultural connections that sparkles brilliant local experiences.

We expect that everyone who visits the place could feel relaxed in the wonderful space, experience the good old times, and have their unforgettable memories in this new paradise.

The space is organised into the following areas:

History Display Area: Displays to help people fully understand the history and culture of this place.

Dining Area: Offers gourmet food, coffee, and desserts.

Exhibition Area: An area for groups and parties to hold exhibitions, forums, or to book for group meeting.

Music Experience Area: An area that offers phonograph records renting and for people to enjoy classic music.

Arts and Creatives Area: With shops selling artistic and creative products and souvenirs.

Bar Area: Where people get to hit the bottle and get tipsy in lovely evenings, and enjoy some fine music or have some dance.

Stage Area: An area for local school parties, performing or musical groups to hold time to time performances.

Outdoor Area: A spacious outdoor area where people get to enjoy the blue sky and white clouds in the daytime and gaze the stars in the night.


得標後,黃巢設計團隊主導整個案子的規劃與設計,黃建華 設計師與 戴小芹 建築師立刻馬不停蹄,邀請了歷史建物修復專家,結構技師 施忠賢 博士擔任結構顧問,並邀請了知名景觀設計師 太研規劃設計顧問 吳書原 設計師,勢把這一個場地以最國際觀,最安全舒適的方式呈現。




終於,我們完所有準備,即將讓這一個Brick Yard 33 1/3,以最完美的姿態,登上舞台,呈現在大家的眼前,希望他能帶給來到這裡的大家美好的回憶,我們期待大家的光臨~~

花若盛開 蝴蝶自來 人若精彩 天自安排

